Hi, I’m Matt. As a lifelong procrastinator, I’ve always struggled to work outside of a rigid structure like an office environment. 10 years ago, I dropped out of college due to my procrastination, 😳 and that sent my on a journey to learn how to finally overcome it.
Since that time, I read more than a hundred books covering the subject from different angles, I went to workshops, and worked with coaches. I tried all sorts of various “solutions” to overcome my procrastination:
- I tried blocking software, to prevent me from going to certain websites.
- I tried accountability buddies to check in with me.
- I tried various checklist and calendaring systems like GTD and Time Blocking.
- I tried bets and monetary incentives so I would actually lose money if I procrastinated!
- I tried positive self-talk and changing my inner world.
The truth is, no matter what I tried, nothing worked long term. It might work for a day, or a week, or even a month, but eventually I’d slip back into old habits.
Then, about two years ago, I had a breakthrough.
I found something called The Experiential Array, which allowed me to do was break down all human abilities into a set of simple components that allow anyone to INTERNALIZE them (I break down the array in the workshop).
It allowed me to take all the tools, techniques and processes I had learned over the past 10 years, and break them down into their component parts. I could immediately find out what was missing, that, once added, would allow me to internalize the skill.
Then I simply had to go find someone with the skill, ask them about the missing piece, and add it to the array.
Almost immediately, things started to shift for me.
As I started to use the tools and insights I had gained, I no longer found myself in that “yoyo pattern” where things would only work for a little while. Instead, as I learned each of the tools from The Experential Array. I gradually shifted from a procrastinator to the productive person I had always dreamed of being.
And it was at that point I realized:
“I have to share this with others.”
None of the dozens of books, coaches, or workshops I had used in the past 10 years had quite put together the pieces like I had, and others deserved access to this material.
After hundreds of hours of iteration with people one-on-one, I finally developed a set of tools that worked for everyone I tried them with.
I could, within just a few weeks, make the same transformation in people that it had taken me 10 years to make.
I ended up with a series of 8 repeatable lessons that worked for everyone.
And it's those lesson's that I teach in the Procrastination Playbook.